For Immediate Release
Posted: March 09, 2023


Donald M. Kreis, Consumer Advocate
(603) 271-1174 |

In memory of Rep. Herb Richardson (1950-2023)

The former lawmaker from Lancaster was the quintessential citizen-legislator

The Office of the Consumer Advocate mourns the death this week of former State Representative Herb Richardson of Lancaster.

According to Herb's obituary, he “was most proud of his role as the Vice Chair of the [House] Science, Technology & Energy Committee, the numerous bills that he sponsored and cosponsored, and all of the people he was able to help with fuel and electrical assistance, energy efficient housing projects, handicap accessibility upgrades to personal homes throughout the north country and community buildings like Lancaster’s Town Hall, and negotiating the installation of the LED street lights on Summer and Main Streets.

Herb Richardson was rightly proud of his distinguished tenure as an energy policymaker and defender of the needs of working people in the energy realm.  He was kindness personified, and stood out as a citizen legislator who never let his partisan affiliation prevent him from doing what he knew to be in the best interests of his constituents and Granite Staters in general.

“I am so sorry to learn of Herb’s passing,” said Consumer Advocate Don Kreis.  “He called me a few weeks ago to say hello and, in characteristic fashion, to pass along a question about energy that he’d gotten from one of his neighbors.

“Now that Herb is gone, I hope his memory inspires all of us with business at the State House to do our work with kindness and good humor, always keeping the needs of real people in mind.  Herb was the quintessential citizen-lawmaker – what a great return on the $100 a year he was paid for his service."

Read Representative Richardson's full obituary here.