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Latest news from the Office of the Consumer Advocate.

“Electric customers should get used to rolling blackouts every now and again,” said no ratepayer advocate — ever. But if you are (as I am) New Hampshire’s ratepayer advocate, you might be tempted t...
Posted: November 16, 2023
At its November 8 meeting, the Executive Council unanimously confirmed Consumer Advocate Donald M. Kreis to a third four-year term at the helm of the office that defends the interests of New Hampshire...
Posted: November 08, 2023
Will drama over discount rates doom New Hampshire’s “NHSaves” energy efficiency programs?  That’s the question that hovers over the hearings that begin on October 25 before the Public Utilities C...
My wife and I spent a lovely week in Paris back in July and, I regret to admit, you may have helped pay for it. No, I am not talking about the fact that my salary as New Hampshire’s Consumer Advoca...
Posted: October 23, 2023
Concerned about runaway spending on so-called “Asset Condition” transmission projects, the ratepayer advocates of New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island have today called for a moratori...
Posted: September 14, 2023